WHAT: Style & Fashion Holiday Soiree (read: club night)
WHERE: Cube - 314 Queen St. W.
WHEN: Friday, December 21, 2012
COST: $3 (coat check)
INSIDER TIPS: This event is only suitable for those who enjoy the club scene. If you do, this is a cheap night out, as you pay no cover, get line bypass, and get started off with a free drink. We also saw flyers and posters inside for at least two other free events in the future. Personally, here are some lessons learned from the night:
- Any event that starts after 10pm is likely to be a club night, despite the more sophisticated (and misleading) wording used in the invitation.
- The club scene behooves people to drink in order not to feel completely out of place, and is a very entertaining people-watching experience when one is not drinking.
- I have very low tolerance for drunk people bumping into me and random guys invading my personal space.
- You can still have fun when you put your mind to it, wherever you end up.
- I really need to stop listening to mainstream radio - I actually knew the lyrics to the vast majority of the songs that were played despite not particularly liking most of them.