Twitter is an endless source of local events and activities for me and the more obscure, the better. When I came across the event invite for an open house at the 4Cats Art Studio, I didn't really concern myself with the lack of details in the announcement. After all, it claimed to be "the best, most fun art studio ever" and promised "refreshments & fun" and a chance to "Tour the studio! Experiment with different art making techniques!". What greater incentive did I need? I bundled up and headed over to the far-away Junction (quite the trek for me and not the most accessible neighbourhood).

The studio is adorable and has a leg to stand on when claiming to be the best and most fun ever. The walls are lined from floor to ceiling with colourful artwork and it's a very warm, inviting space. What I didn't bank on (having glimpsed that they offer adult art classes and corporate parties) that it would be packed to the rafters with little kids. While I would have loved to play with the potter's wheel, splatter paint on the walls (yes, there is a splatter room!), or make plasticine dolls, it somehow didn't seem appropriate to elbow excited little kids out of the way. I took a quick look around, picked up some brochures, and went for a walk in the neighbourhood since I was already out that way (in the process discovering that Tea Blendz has closed shop, which was rather sad to see).

While I felt a little out of place in a packed house full of tiny tykes, it was really heartwarming to see a real community out to play. The approach to the studio was lined with strollers and many people seemed to know each other. If you live in the neighbourhood and have some little ones at home, I would highly recommend this place. The staff were wonderful and the kids were having a blast.
WHAT: Art Studio Open House

WHEN: March 16, 12:00-4:00 pm
4Cats The Junction, 1615 Dupont St.
COST: Free
INSIDER DETAILS: If you are driving, I would suggest trying to avoid the Dupont/Dundas/Annette intersection - it's a bit of a confusing nightmare and takes a long time to get through if you catch a red light (just because there are so many of them at the crossroads). If you are taking the TTC, the most straight-forward way to get there is by taking the Junction bus (#40) from Dundas West station to Dupont. You'll need to cross to the north side of Dupont and walk to the first set of lights before crossing back to the south side of Dupont to get to the studio. There is no crossing on the south side (yeah, don't ask me who planned that intersection). Also, check out the class schedule at the studio and their party packages. It really does look like a boatload of fun.
The neighbourhood is changing and art is literally spilling over into the streets everywhere you look. |
Too expensive!! I can buy my own fimo clay for next to nothing and build my own figurines with my kids. Splatter room is cool but really how many times do you want to throw paint at a canvas?